Because I am a div.
And I saw Skye's thread about Sherlock Holmes [and I watched Sherlock last night, so immediately thought OHHH], I posted in there, and afterwards worked out it was the film thread - not the TV thread . . . but wait! There is no thread for the BBC version!

so, just in case anyone else is watching (which you should, because it's ACE) - here's one!

Co-created by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss, Sherlock stars Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes and Martin Freeman as his loyal friend, Doctor John Watson. Rupert Graves plays Inspector Lestrade.

The iconic details from Conan Doyle's original books remain ? they live at the same address of 221b Baker Street, have the same names and, somewhere out there, Moriarty is waiting for them.
Steven Moffat says: "Conan Doyle's stories were never about frock coats and gas light; they're about brilliant detection, dreadful villains and blood-curdling crimes ? and frankly, to hell with the crinoline. Other detectives have cases, Sherlock Holmes has adventures, and that's what matters."
Taken from the BBC

all of that to say . . . Sherlock is brilliant as ever.

Benedict Cumberbatch & Martin Freeman make such an ace Sherlock & Watson, the banter between the two is great to watch (and again has resulted in a swathe of 'Sherlock & Watson - are they gay?' in the papers [which has been strongly denied by the actors, and writers]) - this ep had a lot of sexual subtext >>due to the very nature of Irene Adler & her relationship with Holmes, which was very cleverly dealt with<< it's really really well done - first ep had me guessing all the way to the end.

I was little disappointed with Moriarty >>he felt more sinister in the first series, but somehow now feels more like a puppet<<.

It was nice to see Mycroft >>actually acting like a big brother and not just a toff<<.

I recognised 'the woman', and spent the first bit racking my brain as to where I'd seen her before (the answer being Spooks).

All in all, thoroughly enjoyed ep 1, looking forward to ep 2. ^^

... fave bit ...
Sherlock sat in the Palace just wearing a sheet - 'put some bloody clothes on!'
lol bit off topic. But when I was in England, in the tube I saw an ad for a new Sherlock Holmes book.
Skye-N-Rain wrote: lol bit off topic. But when I was in England, in the tube I saw an ad for a new Sherlock Holmes book.

Really? I actually have never read the originals, but am minded to give them a go. I've been down baker street a few times, it's right by regents park, which is lovely to stroll and picnic in. ^^
abs ur making me nostalgic for home lolz i hvnt seen this & dont intend to buhahahahahaha reason ? lack of eye candy :p
hmm, looks intriguing. I am a fan of most of BBc productions, they tend to be hit and miss but most of them were a hit for me. I loved the BBC Shakespeare retold, for once. Abs, thanks for posting this, will have to check it out... I should go there sometimes...every time I"m in London it;s mostly around Eustron Square/ Goodge Street and St Pancras lol I've been in those central areas so many times but I've never even done any sightseeing so far. Did you see the newest Downey Jr one?
If it's just a tiny little bit as awesome as bbc's Hercule Poirot, it's probably worth checking out.
RainFlower wrote: abs ur making me nostalgic for home lolz i hvnt seen this & dont intend to buhahahahahaha

reason ? lack of eye candy :p

You don't think Martin Freeman is cute? But there's so much MORE than eye candy....... When you get back, check the iplayer and give it an episode .... Go on......

And ps... You're getting to see stuff WAY WAY cooler than regents park!

Bladey wrote: hmm, looks intriguing. I am a fan of most of BBc productions, they tend to be hit and miss but most of them were a hit for me. I loved the BBC Shakespeare retold, for once.
Abs, thanks for posting this, will have to check it out...

I should go there sometimes...every time I"m in London it;s mostly around Eustron Square/ Goodge Street and St Pancras lol I've been in those central areas so many times but I've never even done any sightseeing so far.

Did you see the newest Downey Jr one?

What do end up doing around Goodge st? I seem to always end up in Piccadilly, Leicester sq, Oxford st.

Not seen the 2nd film, not sure if I've missed it at the cinema now - is it still showing?

Nikki wrote: If it's just a tiny little bit as awesome as bbc's Hercule Poirot, it's
probably worth checking out.

Well, it doesn't have David Suchet - who is ACE, but i reckon it's easily as well done as Poirot. You would like it I think!
abs wrote:

Well, it doesn't have David Suchet - who is ACE, but i reckon it's easily as well done as Poirot. You would like it I think!

True, true. Are you also a fan of David Suchet? :) I used to watch every episode when I was living in England.
Anyway, I think I am really going to give it a try - but judging from the pictures it doesn't seem to have the "vintage look"
I so love. And the characters look rather modern to me, not their clothes but their general appearance, but hopefully it's just
a first impression. :)
BBC, from what I've seen, tends to modernise some adaptations to bring them to the next century (I like it because they keep the universalism going and they do come up with some curious ideas, just to bring Macbeth as an example, the one from 2005 Shakespeare retold, it was..interesting) so I would expect that. I like "vintage" look myself, lol, love how you phrased it. I did watch and like some of the poirot movies - loved Mr Suchet. I haven't been in UK for two weeks now, so not sure. I think it was still showing when I left for Christmas. I want to see it, I quite liked the first one, Law brought charm and Downey brought some hm scruffiness into this role. And I liked the atmosphere. Ah, well Goodge street is closest to the University of London and UCL . And there is also this big Waterstones on the intersection that leads to Senate House on the one side and on the other to UCL. I just love that particular Waterstones, so I go there if I have some cash to spend on books.
Nikki wrote: True, true. Are you also a fan of David Suchet? :) I used to watch every episode when I was living in England.
Anyway, I think I am really going to give it a try - but judging from the pictures it doesn't seem to have the "vintage look"
I so love. And the characters look rather modern to me, not their clothes but their general appearance, but hopefully it's just
a first impression. :)

who can possibly not be a fan of David Suchet?! he's such a good actor. ^^
It's not a period piece at all, it's firmly set now and does a really good job of depicting Sherlock's observational skills.

Bladey wrote:
I haven't been in UK for two weeks now, so not sure. I think it was still showing when I left for Christmas. I want to see it, I quite liked the first one, Law brought charm and Downey brought some hm scruffiness into this role. And I liked the atmosphere.

where are ya?? had a look - it's still on at my local flea pit, so gonna head over and watch it tonight - cheap day Wednesday!!
I agree David Suchet is very good as Poirot & his mannerisms are spot on from description in AC's books however my fave Poirot is Peter Ustinov I loved his over the top smugness :D
abs wrote: who can possibly not be a fan of David Suchet?! he's such a good actor. ^^
It's not a period piece at all, it's firmly set now and does a really good job of depicting Sherlock's observational skills.

where are ya?? had a look - it's still on at my local flea pit, so gonna head over and watch it tonight - cheap day Wednesday!!

Lol I"m back home in PL, coming back in a week, so I may still catch it, if in luck. I hope you enjoy it!
Love this series just started season 2 last sunday. Looking foreward to hound of the baskervilles