Mirichan wrote: Is there any different originaly british series to watch? :D
HAha doesn´t really seem to be my thing >_<

Sherlock is also good. I haven't found time to finish it yet, though.
Mirichan wrote: Is there any different originaly british series to watch? :D
HAha doesn´t really seem to be my thing >_<

I really liked "Luther", "Sherlock", "Life on Mars" and it's spin off "Ashes to ashes".
I watched a few eps of it, ut I didn't care for it too much.
lonerfish wrote: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY a Doctor Who thread! Thanks to whoever made this :D now i can spazz whenever a new ep comes out...and omg Merlin comes out next week...*looks for merlin thread*

WAAAH! I know I'm so excited for the new series!!
Sleepninja wrote: I love Doctor Who! I have only seen the re-vamped seasons (a season behind though). My favorite was the 10th Doctor. I love the 11th too. I want to watch the older seasons, but it's not easy to find it. Some episodes were lost forever. :/ I'm still trying to push my OCD aside and just go for it. lol

IKR? I really want to watch where my Doctor obsession all started, but it seems to be quite the undertaking. Not just in watching all of them, but finding them, like you said.
I think, for me, 10 is like the doctor that most comes to mind when I think of Doctor Who. But then I love 9. He was so swag. And 11 is just a ball of adorable astronomical-ness. Probably, I love them all equally, but in different ways xD

Imzadi wrote: As as scifi fan I watched I've seen all episode since Doctor Who re-started 2005. My favorite is 10 and as companions Rose and Donna. I love Rory and I really gonna miss the Ponds.

Donna is probably my all time fave companion! And I know ;_; I'm quite excited about the new companion, but I'm really going to miss the Ponds, as well. Probably be crying buckets.

lonerfish wrote: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY a Doctor Who thread! Thanks to whoever made this :D now i can spazz whenever a new ep comes out...and omg Merlin comes out next week...*looks for merlin thread*

No prob :D And Merliiin D8 I need the Doctor in order to skip to the future in order to watch Merlin right now.

SayItAintSoJoe wrote: I watched a few eps of it, ut I didn't care for it too much.

BLASPHEMY! >:O Nah, just kidding. It's not for everyone. My housemate is right there with me in drama obsession, but she doesn't get my love for the Doctor at all :P
So I have 10's sonic screwdriver, and my friend has 11's. We were so excited when we got them. I want to go back to that store and get the TARDIS string lights... and the TARDIS mug... and maybe a Dalek key-chain, lol.
Jupiter wrote: So I have 10's sonic screwdriver, and my friend has 11's. We were so excited when we got them. I want to go back to that store and get the TARDIS string lights... and the TARDIS mug... and maybe a Dalek key-chain, lol.

I have seen an electronic Dalek toy that patrols back and forth on your desk, or any surface, and doesn't fall off the edge... Don't remember where I saw it, but I definitely want it some day. For now I have a giant Dalek "To Victory" poster hanging up in my guest bedroom!
SeRose wrote: I have seen an electronic Dalek toy that patrols back and forth on your desk, or any surface, and doesn't fall off the edge... Don't remember where I saw it, but I definitely want it some day. For now I have a giant Dalek "To Victory" poster hanging up in my guest bedroom!

If only it also went around going, "Exterminate!!" it would be even more brilliant. I don't have any posters! I have several shirts, though. Most of them bought from TeeFury. One can never have enough Doctor Who merchandise..
So guys... Amy and Rory are gone for good and the Doctor is alone again... how many of you cried a bucket of tears like me? D':
I have had Doctor Who from the womb (literally, my dad was recording and watching the old stuff since before I was born) and I have to admit, one of my dreams is to have a full-sized Dalek for a butler. Or at least to scare of door-to-door salesmen. Heehee. And Jupiter... so many tears. So many.
Sjhkerhfisidfkjawkl;ds threads for dw and sherlock are at the top >_< geek heaven right here
I love Doctor Who! I'm only on season 3 and I'm loving 10! :D
I will catch up soon, though, because I have a feeling that I will really like 11.

Jupiter wrote: So I have 10's sonic screwdriver, and my friend has 11's. We were so excited when we got them. I want to go back to that store and get the TARDIS string lights... and the TARDIS mug... and maybe a Dalek key-chain, lol.

ohhhh how cool :D
I ordered a Tardis phone case, a Dalek alarm clock and a few posters for Christmast, but now you made want to sonic screwdriver XP
are you guys terrified of stone statues too, cause i sure as hell am :P
Anybody watching the new season? I finally caught up today!
Ok. Why is this thread not exploding as much as it should be? Did anyone see the most recent episode?