Synopsis: Doctor Who is a British science fiction television programme produced by the BBC. The programme depicts the adventures of a Time Lord?a time travelling, humanoid alien with two hearts known as the Doctor. He explores the universe in his TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimension In Space), a sentient, telepathic time-and-space-travel machine that flies through the time vortex. Its exterior appears as a blue British police box, a common sight in Britain in 1963, when the series first aired. Along with a succession of companions, the Doctor faces a variety of foes while working to save civilisations, help ordinary people, and right wrongs. ~Wikipedia

The Doctors

Season 7 Trailer
ah finally a thread for Doctor Who!!! :D (yeah, I know I could have done it too if I wanted to :p)
Love this show <3
and season 7 first ep was just wow *o*
*All the daleks have forgotten about the doctor, just wow*
I love Doctor Who! I have only seen the re-vamped seasons (a season behind though). My favorite was the 10th Doctor. I love the 11th too. I want to watch the older seasons, but it's not easy to find it. Some episodes were lost forever. :/ I'm still trying to push my OCD aside and just go for it. lol
I tried to find some ep from the original serie but I just come across random ep and most of the time, it's a different doctor so I can't really follow the story :/
Oh my, I can't believe this thread is so short. o: I loove Doctor Who! I've only seen new DW seasons though. The classic DW is terribly had to find. My first Doctor was 9, and then I watched straight through. 10 is my favorite, but I love all three. As for companions, I loved them all aswell. Rose, Martha, Donna, Amy and Rory. All brilliant. ^^ What do you guys think about the Doctor's next companion? It's played by the same actress who played Oswin. I'm still not sure, if the new companion is supposed to be Oswin or if the actress is simply playing a new character as his companion.
hahaha It's probably so short because it was just created and the Doctor Who fans on MDL don't know about it yet. :p
Everyone go watch Doctor Who!! It's British and you won't be disappointed. :D
Yay! A Doctor Who thread! I love it. David Tennant (10th doctor) is my favourite also I do like Matt Smith (11th and current doctor) he's not as good as David was!! Angels are back this week I can't wait to see them again!! First time they came on I was of my favourite villains though !
Sleepninja wrote: I want to watch the older seasons, but it's not easy to find it. Some episodes were lost forever. :/ I'm still trying to push my OCD aside and just go for it. lol

I also have a problem getting over my OCD and not watching the older ones in order :P I actually just had to Wikipedia missing eps to make myself continue some of the series. Of the older doctors, I love 2 and 4. Nowadays, 10 is my doctor :)
I'm getting ready to watch the latest episode. I missed it because I was working on Saturday. Can't wait for the awesome. o:
I'm jealous. I don't have BBC America. I have to wait for it to be rebroadcast on PBS :(
As as scifi fan I watched I've seen all episode since Doctor Who re-started 2005. My favorite is 10 and as companions Rose and Donna. I love Rory and I really gonna miss the Ponds.
Weren't some things in the last two epiosdes out of order? I wonder if that was on purpose. In episode 3 the Doctor mentioned the time Rory left his phone charger in King Henry VIII's ensuite, and in episode 4 it showed them there briefly where he left it. lol.
Is there any different originaly british series to watch? :D HAha doesn´t really seem to be my thing >_<
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY a Doctor Who thread! Thanks to whoever made this :D now i can spazz whenever a new ep comes out...and omg Merlin comes out next week...*looks for merlin thread*