Hello. I am a long time Whovian :) 4 was my first Doctor and i've been hooked on the show ever since. I've knit a two of the really long Dr who scarves for a friend of mine who cosplays as the 4th doctor. I've even knit a few plush TARDIS for my friends. I'm really looking forward to seeing what Capaldi will do with the Doctor
I have yet to see the Christmas Special! :( I'm too upset to watch it. It's been recorded on my DVR since it aired, but I can't bring myself to watch it. I can't say goodbye to Matt Smith quite yet!
Doremeduck wrote: I have yet to see the Christmas Special! :( I'm too upset to watch it. It's been recorded on my DVR since it aired, but I can't bring myself to watch it. I can't say goodbye to Matt Smith quite yet!

i wasn't quite ready to say goodbye to Matt either and while i personally had a few issues with the Christmas special i thought i was a good ending for him