Love "Doctor Who" have to wait to watch the rest of season 7 because I don't have BBC America channel anywhere.
Doremeduck wrote: MATT SMITH LEFT DOCTOR WHO!!!!!! Nooooo!!!

D: Suppose it had to happen eventually. At least with still have the 50th anniversary episode with him. Looking forward to seeing David Tennant and Billie Piper again. Hopefully it's all done with proper justice.
I am also sorry about Matt because he was great like any other Doctor and he have to go like any other Doctor. I hope the new Doctor will be fantastic as 9th Doctor, brilliant as 10th Doctor and childish like 11th Doctor... I would prefer someone like 4th Doctor though.. He was my first classic Doctor haha I am really curious about 50th anniversary also!! Let's hope Moffat do not kill everyone we love in one episode ;)
Well said, but those who were killed always end up coming back in a weird through a parallel world or something... Apparently this will be the last Doctor Who series T-T...and it will be set in Galifrey...
Peter Capaldi as the 12th doctor!! well he is different than matt smith! and even i had to wait some time to get to used matt when david tennant left, then began to like matt and suddenly i am finding myself going to miss him T_T waiting to see how the 12th one would turn out~~
suyi01 wrote: Peter Capaldi as the 12th doctor!! well he is different than matt smith! and even i had to wait some time to get to used matt when david tennant left, then began to like matt and suddenly i am finding myself going to miss him T_T waiting to see how the 12th one would turn out~~

Don't worry haha The new Doctor will be awsome!!! I've seen Peter Capaldi in many Films and Series. He is an amazing actor.

I already thought last year that it would be time for a new Doctor. I know, some won't understand... but you shouldn't get to addicted to one Doctor. They are all going to leave someday ^^
I've read in other Forums and Discussion that they don't want an old guy for the job and I thought "What the-?!" Most of the "new" Doctor Who fans are young people, of course they also want a young and good looking Doctor, but that is stupid, in my eyes. The original Doctor was much older and the others too. Even Christopher Eccleston wasn't that young and people liked him, so why shouldn't we have an older Doctor back with more experience and finesse? Believe me when I say Peter Capaldi is a crazy guy!
I am super excited about the new Doctor that they chose. I feel confident that he will make and Awesome Doctor and I can't wait to see what 12 is like.
Loving the 50th anniversary!! Missed David Tennant so much!!
I'm about to watch The Day of The Doctor!!
I love Doctor Who but I can't find season 7 on the internet, and David Tennant is my favorite Doctor Who.
Day of the Doctor RULED! Was sad to learn some things, but looking forward to what Peter will do with the role. He's wanted to play the Doctor for years and I think he'll do it justice. I come from the Tom Baker era so seeing an older Doctor works for me :) I will miss Matt, almost as much as I missed David after he left, but he'll go onto bigger and better things that I can see him in!
Just watched Day of the Doctor and wow the feels!!! Couldn't have done a better. Just fangirling so much about Day of the Doctor! Can't wait for what the new series will bring us! Good Luck to Peter as well I think he'll do good!
I forgot Capaldi is the new one. Maybe I should start watching it.
Hello all! I'm a huge Whovian! :D Nine is my fave and first Doctor. <3 Ten is second and Eleven third. :) I'm one of those folks who are sharpening their knives due to Moffat. ^^; In all truth, I was rather disappointed in Day of the Doctor cause it seemed to ignore the past 7 seasons.... People may be griping about how Twelve is too old, but I actually got good feels from Capaldi and am looking forward to his season.