It's still an adaptation, the same way the korean version was one, even though they took a whole bunch of liberties with the plot...
I recommend having a little drink before watching this. Also, with friends, so you can snark together. In that sense, it's entertaining. But please, I would take LMHs curls any day over this wig-fest. At least the badly styled curls were funny. Excuse me now while I go rewatch Hana Yori Dango now. I need something to get the taste of this out of my mouth. (But I will still continue to watch probably - I'm too curious to see how weird and/or terrible it's going to get!)
SeRose wrote: I recommend having a little drink before watching this. Also, with friends, so you can snark together. In that sense, it's entertaining.

But please, I would take LMHs curls any day over this wig-fest. At least the badly styled curls were funny. Excuse me now while I go rewatch Hana Yori Dango now. I need something to get the taste of this out of my mouth. (But I will still continue to watch probably - I'm too curious to see how weird and/or terrible it's going to get!)

Let's initiate a custom then. Before one start an episode of Boys Before Friends, one must have a strong drink!
Unless you're underaged lol
SeRose wrote: I recommend having a little drink before watching this. Also, with friends, so you can snark together. In that sense, it's entertaining.

But please, I would take LMHs curls any day over this wig-fest. At least the badly styled curls were funny. Excuse me now while I go rewatch Hana Yori Dango now. I need something to get the taste of this out of my mouth. (But I will still continue to watch probably - I'm too curious to see how weird and/or terrible it's going to get!)

Lmao your hilarious. SeRose we are all going to end up alcoholics by the end of this ^^

I'm trying not to be so harsh on them since I know its a low budget production. Can't even compare it to the other versions who had tons of money and professional actors. I didn't think the first episode was that bad. The first half was kind of stupid but by the end I was entertained. The whole friends getting revenge on the F4 was hilarious. I going to keep on watching and hope they can somehow pull it off.
I actually rather liked her two friends. Especially Chloe. She seemed a lot more natural. Also, the Rui guy. He was pretty good. The lead girl's acting was actually not that bad IMO, but her hair was awful!!!! Like, distracting awful. The three fake. We American girls do not walk or talk like that. Any of you seen that movie Clueless? Reminded me of that. Totally overdone and fake.
If anything, this drama makes you appreciate the things we take for granted in professionally made dramas: proper lighting to set the mood or environment (except for "Suspicious Housemaid" where nobody's house is THAT brightly lit), editing that makes sense, sound effects that allow you to hear the dialogue (unless the scene is someplace deliberately noisy, like a dance club), costume/hair/make-up changes when the time period skips around, and so on. We like to gripe about how the wrong guy ended up with the girl, how the storyline sucked or didn't, how hot the oppas and unnies looked, etc but it's all the other stuff that helps the drama come alive.
I just watched it. I must say, my experience wasn't at least a funny one. Sooo, this is my "review" or maybe rant, I don't know! Its more or less my ramblings. Acting - No, no comment. Seriously. Dialogue - Script sounds like it was in it's second draft and written by a tween. Enough said. Sound/Music - The music jumps you like mugger in an alleyway. The volume is cranked way up to the heavens and good lord, has the director ever heard of a Boom Mic? Actor's voices are far too quiet you can't hear what their saying. Love that handling noise tho, really adds to the tension. Visuals - flailing dances, wigs, cake and bad fake falling - pretty much all I could catch I'm afraid. Directing - Probably the best scenes were of the cityscape stock footage they bought. I can't say much about the actual directing itself apart from the camera seems to be glued in one place in nearly every scene. Some scenes were clearly shot on an iPhone. Techniques used were mainly Depth of Field, which basically means your staring someone's blurred ass or the back of someone's head most of the time. Story - Uh, due to the shoddy editing, it was hard to make out. It starts then stops and then BOOM timeskip, then starts again and BOOM another timeskip. But wait it backtracks a bit to a flashback about some irrelevant guy, then throws you back to the present. Literally, wft is the deal with aeroplane engine noise between shots! AH geez, I think we all can admit its a ripped off version of its predecessors. It did not inspire the SLIGHTEST temptation in me to watch Episode 2. Concluding thoughts: Probably what your thinking.
I had high hopes for this. 25 mins in i just couldn't watch anymore it looks like it was filmed with a potato the acting was so freaking bad aswell seems like these people have never acted before, i kept laughing when the main character was dancing and stuff, it looked so ridiculous and bad. The story didn't flow well at all it was just a bunch of random scenes and encounters that made no sense. If there was no other versions you wouldn't know what the hell is going on 2/10
Well one thing is sure, this won't get me addicted. I think the F4 thing doesn't feel good in the American context. Anyway. I was kinda looking forward, but this is weird. This school feels empty too. The acting is really something too, and I have to say, I usually don't notice when it's bad! I will continue just to see how it turns out, because I actually like her friend but that'd be nice if they did someting at least about the hairstyles idk. My comments seem pretty badly organized but so was this ep. Seriously. I just want to see how they will make it turn out... Well we'll see. If we're patient enough.
i haven't watch yet, but i will watch
Clemi-chan wrote: I think the F4 thing doesn't feel good in the American context..

are you referring to the name or the group and it's actions?

if the group and it's actions, this is something that has baffled me since i 1st watched Boys before flowers and then later the other incarnations.

F4, even Ji Hoo or Rui, are horrible human beings. yes, as the show progresses they chose a small handful of people to be decent to but they are never called out on their actions except when the writers want to use Makino's outrage (only at how her friend was treated) as a plot device.

they're horrible in any language.
Episode 2 preview is out. It actually looks much better now.
"You look like a different person". I am. Duh. lol apart from that, it does look different. In a good way. Let's see how it goes.
My daughter (who is a fan of HYD Japanese live action version) and I watched this about 5 days ago. And she kept on laughing--AT THE COMMENTS! Good gawd. I felt so embarrassed for this production. -_-#

That aside, I'd better stock up on beer then. Are we all gonna say 'Cheers' before we start watching?

Juniko wrote: "You look like a different person".

I am. Duh.

lol apart from that, it does look different. In a good way. Let's see how it goes.

*Snort!* XD Who knows, maybe she got plastic surgery???

Aw yeah, Dawn Morrow suddenly looked so fragile playing Zoey that she may be fit for the role. And there's a chemistry/vibe with Lame-im!

@Rika217: thanks for posting. It does look better with the story coming together...well the actors...we'll have to see about that....
I just remembered. Did anyone else notice? Liam is supposed to be the best basketball player but during the game he missed every shot yet he was cheering like he made it. >_<