lol wow butchered, looks fan made ....
oh my god it's horrible why does he have Gaston's hairstyle why is their acting so bad cringe plz i could go on and on
On a YouTube comment, someone said that they sent a letter to the people who made the show, I think like hate mail, and were saying how they were fans of the original manga/drama too, so I don't really want to be too hard on the American adaptation. Also, they had a small budget to work with. Now for complaints: - What's with Liam's wig? I guess they were trying to imitate the original hairstyle, but with all the other changes in the drama, I wouldn't have minded the actor's original hair. - I didn't really like the main girl's appearance. She seemed too pretty, and I hated the way her hair looked in a ponytail. I think the idea of F4 could be easily used in an American high school drama, so I'm wondering why they changed the school setting. (The idea being a popular, hot guys group, I guess LOL)
As of ep 2: Woot! Most epic makeover scene EVER. Amazing what a little makeup, massage, and hair dressing can do to a person - almost like new person entirely! *hehe* Hey at least the new girl is a slightly better actress. Make sure to watch with the viki comments enabled. It's the only way. 2nd half of the episode at least starts to get funny, although there is hardly any change in the set/sound/editing issues. Oh. And please note: the fundraiser party was to "benefit human trafficking". That's a quote.
yea, the production problems were waaaaaay worse in ep 2. at least liam's hot.
nekoblah wrote: lol wow butchered, looks fan made ....

Well it is fanmade in a way, as they did it because they loved the original story, and wanted to show America too could produce something different than what they usually do...

Anyway the 2nd ep was much better than the first one imo!
OMG I'am starting to really like this version. LMFAO ep 2 was really hilarious. The whole lameness is sooo funny. And specially with viki comments it's the best xD
So, because I read this thread, I had to go watch.... it reminded me of a bad accident. You know you should look away but you're so absurdly fascinated, you just can't. Don't get me wrong, I fully support ANYONE (even the college students I believe this group is) that wants to do an American version of any Kdrama, Jdrama, or Tdrama. I even understand the quality being bad because of money. But I KNOW there are college level actors in Hollywood that could have done a much better job. What's bad is obvious, what's good? I laughed pretty much non-stop in each episode. I can't help it, everything from the "rich" person's hairdresser being in room the size of a closet who looks like the worst tranny ever with miniblinds on the door. Why didn't they use a room in the spa they used for Zoey's massage? It would have fit better! The random bad wigs, bad makeup, cable on the floor in the "art" gallery, the folding table with white tablecloth and cupcakes on it at a $2,500 a ticket fundraising... but the thing that made me laugh the most? Well, two things. You can actually hear the director say "Cut" at the end of one of the scenes before the haircut (editor, work harder!) and the misspelling of Writers (Writters) on the credits. Seriously, I've not laughed so much in ages. The script is written really roughly, obviously not an experienced screen writer, and the editing, sound, and camera angles are usually just as bad. Again, I know this is a college level show, but The Blair Witch Project was a college film too... yeah, think about that :) Still, I'll be watching every week because I'm going to support anyone who tries.... and it's been hilarious to watch. BTW, the new lead actress, much better. Still haven't seen her dance yet, maybe she's a better dancer too.
HeidiLyon wrote: So, because I read this thread, I had to go watch.... it reminded me of a bad accident. You know you should look away but you're so absurdly fascinated, you just can't.

Don't get me wrong, I fully support ANYONE (even the college students I believe this group is) that wants to do an American version of any Kdrama, Jdrama, or Tdrama. I even understand the quality being bad because of money. But I KNOW there are college level actors in Hollywood that could have done a much better job.

What's bad is obvious, what's good? I laughed pretty much non-stop in each episode. I can't help it, everything from the "rich" person's hairdresser being in room the size of a closet who looks like the worst tranny ever with miniblinds on the door. Why didn't they use a room in the spa they used for Zoey's massage? It would have fit better! The random bad wigs, bad makeup, cable on the floor in the "art" gallery, the folding table with white tablecloth and cupcakes on it at a $2,500 a ticket fundraising... but the thing that made me laugh the most? Well, two things. You can actually hear the director say "Cut" at the end of one of the scenes before the haircut (editor, work harder!) and the misspelling of Writers (Writters) on the credits. Seriously, I've not laughed so much in ages.

The script is written really roughly, obviously not an experienced screen writer, and the editing, sound, and camera angles are usually just as bad. Again, I know this is a college level show, but The Blair Witch Project was a college film too... yeah, think about that :)

Still, I'll be watching every week because I'm going to support anyone who tries.... and it's been hilarious to watch. BTW, the new lead actress, much better. Still haven't seen her dance yet, maybe she's a better dancer too.

I completely agree with you. I was actually trying to figure out how to say my thoughts but you did it for me.

Also the make up for Zoey and Nikki at the art gallery was horrible. At that event their eyes make me think of pandas. I understand they were going for probably an exotic and youthful look but it was too much. At the very least their eye shadow needed to calm down.

So far though it seems like each week the whole production has gotten better each episode. Obviously that's just based off of episodes 1 & 2 and the sneak peak for 3. I don't maybe I'm just being hopeful and they really aren't advancing the quality.
Woot! It's improving! Didn't really need the comments on viki to finish the episode. Sure it still has some issues but it's getting better. No more random muteness however it did have, I think two, really quiet scenes. Hopefully it'll continue to improve.
I did hear that they are thinking about changing around some couples. I don't think they should change around the main couples. Maybe I'll think differently if it does happen. I doubt they will but it'd be an interesting twist to have Zoey end up with Oliver.
I actually enjoyed episode 3. All I need to do is forget about the manga and all of its adaptations and focus on the show as it is, and I actually can enjoy it. Sure it's flawed, and of course there isn't much of a budget, but it really has its own charm. The dialogs are very casual and the actors are getting more at ease with each other, plus the female lead change is a real improvement (her acting AND dancing skills). The more I watch it the more I get the impression I'm watching a bunch of friends talking at each other casually. It's sitcomish and if it keeps improving like that we could end up with an interesting adaptation. Of course when we are used to over-edited high budget kdramas this production can surprise us, but when I remember the T-version, there wasn't much of a budget either, but in the end the interactions between the actors won me over. So I'll keep watching, just in case the same thing happens^^
Did anyone notice that Liam's ponytail had mysteriously disappeared while he was in the shower in episode 1? He had short hair all the way through that scene then in the next one he had a ponytail again....
I just finished episode 3 and I am surprised at the improvement in the show. I like the focus on the friendship of the girls and how the writers have fit them into the story. I agree with the several others that the show has many flaws but I liked this episode and I am looking forward to the next one.
After have seen ep. 3 I was suprised that is getting better. The new female lead is so much better than the last one. Even if the whole drama is meh and the sound is off, I still enjoy it. :) Is there someone who knows how many episodes it's going to be?
ELFfreak wrote: After have seen ep. 3 I was suprised that is getting better. The new female lead is so much better than the last one.
Even if the whole drama is meh and the sound is off, I still enjoy it. :)

Is there someone who knows how many episodes it's going to be?

If I remember correctly, they plan on having it be only 16 episodes. They said they don't want to make it like an American show that just lasts forever. However that's only if they obtain enough donations to keep it going till the end.