I feel both relieved that this might be the end of the show and yet also sad. No more bad movie night for me if this is cancelled.
i think some of those statements about budget and experience were made while they were working with another production company. by my count they've gone through at least 2, probably due to the lack of professionalism. the production company they were naming when they came to MDL to answer questions is no longer mentioned and the BBF website no longer links to theirs. as for kel williams, the only credit she has on imbd is for this series. this production doesnt suck because it's american, it sucks because the people working on it are not talneted, hell they arent even skilled.
The article said that WillKinn Media took over for Wazego Collective, which incidentally were both founded by the same person and both websites used an identical flash template. The series' website has a copyright notice for WillKinn Media, so I'm thinking that the claims they made are still current. Under staff, Kel Williams is named Executive Producer, Director and Writer with "15 years in the Entertainment Industry". I'm not sure in what capacity she was working in the industry for all that time, but it seems that if anyone should be replaced for this project, it would be her. I totally agree, the series sucks because of the people working on it. If they had promoted it as an amateur parody, I think it would have been received better. Then again, 16 episodes is a long time to drag out a parody.
This is just sad. I wish they'd wrap it up and cancel the whole thing because it's already a mess before this happened and now it's become an even bigger mess with lawsuits waiting to happen. I'm disappointed with management. :\ They have a confusing and unprofessional way handling of this particular project and their talents. I feel bad for the people getting caught in the middle.
I don't know. I'm conflicted about the show when it comes to the issue with the loss of it's main actor and actress. It obviously has something to do with Joseph's and Dawn's contracts I just don't know who is at fault. There are multiple scenarios that I think it probably is and half is one sides fault while the other half is the second side's. It's also possible that both sides are at fault.
I think the production could have been dealt a bad hand of cards. It's possible that this is their first one without having a more advanced person watching everything overall to make sure they succeed. When it comes down to money though it's obvious that they aren't going to put every penny into a show that could easily bomb.
While I don't consider the show a scam I personally have no intentions of donating or think others should.
I've been obsessed with this show because it's just so bad and because of the bts drama. I watched the special episode they did after the two leads left and they tried so so hard to make it seem like nothing was their fault.... which makes me think that it was absolutely their fault. I've continued with it anyway just for the lols.
And they're fundraising again...
(Kel Williams is Kelly Kinney according to Willkinn and linkedin.)
Yet when they were on their first fundraising campaign they implied that they already had investors and a lot of money and lots of experience....hmmmmmm......quote from Dramafever:
"The planned American adaptation of Boys Over Flowers, titled Boys Before Friends, recently started Kickstarter and Indiegogo fundraising campaigns. Each have the goal of raising $150,000, and is accompanied by a promotional video. The adaptation first came to light when a Kickstarter campaign was launched back in July with the goal of raising $100,000.
Although that campaign failed to reach its goal, the producers later said: "We went on Kickstarter to raise a small amount of funding that was still needed to complete our budget. I think the misconception was that $100,000 was our entire budget when in reality, we have a multi-million dollar budget for this series." The production company's name has switched from Wazego Collective to Willkinn Media, although both names appear on the Kickstarter page."
Then more fundraising.....
The concern is that these people are not a real production company and have no idea what they're doing, as evidenced by the product. And that episode 0 is just a lawsuit waiting to happen if anybody has the energy or the money to waste to bother with it. Oh and here is another interesting article about Kelly Kinney: http://www.cnn.com/2008/LIVING/12/10/job.seeker/index.html
Somehow I don't think her background is really in the entertainment industry, at least not as a filmmaker or producer.
"...we have a multi-million dollar budget for this series" HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Oh wait they were serious. I actually watched some of the last episode...if they had a multi-million dollar budget then I'm a billionaire. HA!
I am sorry but after episode 5...I think I will drop this..lol
SPOILER:>>Afterall there is a THIRD main-lead now and she just doesn´t fit in the concept and I finallygot used to them...nuhhh I can´t bear to watch this any longer ><>>
I gave up after the first ep by the second one they'd already changed the female lead once, then I found out they'd do it again around ep5 and they changed the male lead as well I can't handle watching a show as disorganised as this one was/felt