Dawn Morrow's dancing skills: *clap clap clap*

Zoey and Oliver chemistry on Episode 3: good job! Not to mention Liam trying to behave, be good to her and win her over is actually reminiscent of Domyouji. Chase and Piper, Noah and Chloe developments on the sides, and way smoother editing compared to the unspeakable horror that were Episodes 1 and 2.
i dont know. i dont like the way that now that the show is airing the production company has all but erased any mention of the source material. even on the shows website they refer to it as "on original story" written by two jackasses who are stretching the meaning of the word original so far it ceases to have meaning.
I just tried watching this and I could barely watch 5 minutes of it. I don't see how it's based off Hana Yori Dango. I don't care for Boys Over Flowers, but even the Korean version was better than the American. I thought it was horrible. If they were going to do something like Hana Yori Dango, they should have stuck to the story-line more and should have gotten someone a little more plain looking. Makino was a little plain looking, and yet, there was something beautiful about her. The girl they chose for Boys Before Friends is pretty but not what I am looking for in an adaptation of HYD.
It has improved, but it's still pretty crappy. I am still annoyed at how they portray us Americans. All the implied sex is a put off. Sure, they aren't showing it, but they sure do talk about it a lot. That is the main reason I don't watch American tv anymore. I don't mind mature content, don't get me wrong, but I am so sick of most teen and young adult shows mostly about who is sleeping with who and bed hopping. There is a lot more to life than that. What really bothered me about Boys Before Friends is that the attempted rape scene was pretty intense, but the only punishment those guys got were to hold up signs, and then they were forgiven just like that?! Wtf? Hell, in the anime, Domyouji hung them upside down from a building and asked Makino if he should cut the rope and let her tormenters die! In the Korean version, he held their heads under water repeatedly. But in this stupid version, they get hardly any punishment and next episode, they are are all hanging out again like nothing happened. It made.me sick. All in all, I do not believe that this show was made for the fans of Hana Yori Dango at all. Instead, I think it was written by a couple of fans who lack any sort of script writing abilities or logic and common sense, for their own ego. This is solely for themselves. They can't even be bothered to edit out 'cut' or the directors talking and cursing in the background before they post it on viki. It's like a youtube video just anyone can make. No professionalism at all. I am surprised viki is even airing it. I know I sound harsh, but it is the truth. I am giving it one more episode, but if it doesn't improve majorly next ep, I am dropping it. I just personally feel that it has, so far, been a huge disappointment and an insult to my intelligence. I know not everyone feels that way, and I do admire those of you who don't for your tolerance. :P
@CherryBunny I completely understand your posts, 100% :) As of episode 3, the editing, camera work, and sound have gotten better. Even the acting has improved. Maybe, by the time we reach the end, the finale will be something that can be enjoyed for the show and not the hilarity of watching. As for Dawn Marrow... YAY! She can dance, she acts fairly well, and I think she's helping bring the rest of the crew up in standards. The Culkin brother (Oliver) I think was the only one that had some acting skills to begin with, and maybe Piper and Chloe, so it's nice to see the skill levels rise. Third episode... I too hate all the sexual innuendos. While I can say it gives us American's a bad rap, it is unfortunately very true of this younger generation for the most part. We have 13 and 14yr old moms in school, sex is a common 1st or 2nd date affair, and PDA is the norm. Do I like it? Not so much, I think it's why I came to appreciate the Korean culture so much. However, it's mostly a realistic portrayal, sadly. My largest complaint with episode 3... a club with like 15 people in it? Seriously? Offer a free beer to people to fill a space, clubs have no less than 100 bodies all moving and grooving so close you can barely breath. Have they been to a club in Hollywood?! The story line is getting a tad better. I'm hoping the writers and editors go back and review not only the manga but also the Korean and Japanese adaptations to get some inspiration. Oh, and I just have to add this. Will someone PLEASE get a new hair and makeup person?! The makeup is so off-putting in some scenes that I stare at the horror of what's been done to the face rather than pay attention to the scene LOL
@CherryBunny- I agree with you completely on all points. Except, I don't see myself dropping the show because it makes for a wonderful bad drama night, lol! I haven't done a bad movie night in a long time, and this drama fits the bill nicely.
Personally sometimes I don't mind a bit of, I guess you could say, american romance in some shows. I do agree the way their going with it is unappealing. They've made one too many stripper "jokes" and Jessica (no offense to the actress) is way too focused on sex.
I know basically everyone is upset that it's not like the anime and other dramas but from what I've been told those are nothing like the manga. From what I've been told there is no evil mom. Plus the whole drowning makino attackers in both the japanese and korean drama's was because they failed not because they tried to rape her. When he hung those guys upside down that was after she woke up in a random hotel. Don't get me wrong they could have done more after the rape scene but atleast Liam didn't want it.
I really wish they would pull in some favors and gets some bystanders. I'm not saying they have to look perfect just some random people maybe family of the cast/producers. It feels strange that they are the only ones at school, clubs, and everywhere else.

A bit of unfortunate news for everyone that is following this show. They fired the two leads and are replacing them. Who the heck fires the leads like this? Are they postponing production until they find replacements? This is so odd.
Welcome to America Sleepninja. :)
Judo_Aniki wrote: Welcome to America Sleepninja. :)

Well yes, I know I shouldn't be surprised...as this is part of the reason why I rarely watch my country's shows anymore. -_- Things like this cause shows to be canceled before the story is complete. I hate unfinished stories...

Funny... I hate unfinished stories, but sometimes I put off finishing stories because I don't want to say good bye to my beloved characters. I'm a difficult person. :p
Well, sometimes what they do is rewrite the script and write off fired actors/actresses. :/
I don't think it's really an American thing...since American series do run longer, it isn't uncommon for actors to leave the series for various reasons, like disagreeing with other actors, contract disputes, pay disputes, etc. I think it's something that happens if a show runs for years, actors will drop out for something new or if they get famous they will move on to bigger projects. Like with That 70's Show, the main guy left to do movies. It happens. But, with this series, it seems to me like they have a messy production. I have glanced at it but I haven't watched a full episode...it is not normal for actors to be replaced all willy nilly like this, even for an American production. I wonder how long this thing will last, because just seeing how it is being produced it looks like a hot mess. They should have shot all episodes in advance, then aired it. Btw won't this be the third time they replace the main girl? Wth?
Panda-san wrote: I don't think it's really an American thing...since American series do run longer, it isn't uncommon for actors to leave the series for various reasons, like disagreeing with other actors, contract disputes, pay disputes, etc. I think it's something that happens if a show runs for years, actors will drop out for something new or if they get famous they will move on to bigger projects. Like with That 70's Show, the main guy left to do movies. It happens. But, with this series, it seems to me like they have a messy production. I have glanced at it but I haven't watched a full episode...it is not normal for actors to be replaced all willy nilly like this, even for an American production. I wonder how long this thing will last, because just seeing how it is being produced it looks like a hot mess. They should have shot all episodes in advance, then aired it.

Btw won't this be the third time they replace the main girl? Wth?

Yeah, it's really bad to do this all in the first season of a show. That's a quick way to lose any viewers that they had...

If it were further along, I might be able to understand cast changes. However, it's still not forgivable to switch up the two most important characters in the series like this.
The production company has been unprofessional from the start, and I'm not surprised that the two leads left because of a lack of professional standards. It's not just in the production quality, but in how the administrators conduct themselves, they also left their website unfinished and full of errors even after the first episode came out. In fact, it's still displaying old information and errors today. People have posted that the company doesn't have a lot of experience and are working with a low budget. In an article on this website, they stated: "I think the misconception was that $100,000 was our entire budget when in reality, we have a multi-million dollar budget for this series." "The company has done other projects before taking on Boys Before Flowers. The people that run it are all 10-20 year industry professionals that have worked with companies such as Samsung Electronics, **** Clark Productions, Walt Disney Corporation, etc. The company was not formed just to make this series. The team has already been working on three other projects before this one." As for the writer who is responsible for the train wreck of a script, the website states: "Kel Williams. Executive Producer, Director, Writer. 15 years in the Entertainment Industry." With all the grammatical and spelling errors she has made as a representative of the company, and the horrible script, I don't know what she was doing for 15 years, but it doesn't seem to have been writing. Because they claim to be experienced professionals with a multi-million dollar budget, yet produced amateur quality episodes and can't meet the standards expected by represented talent, I don't have much faith that they will succeed.
It seems to me like this company has told some outright lies from the start. Hm.