bokami wrote: bwahhh

:eek: "What?

Well, I'm almost caught up...I'm halfway through episode 7 of S2. But I had to stop because my sister wanted to watch her Hispanic dramas....Aigooo!!!! She needs to watch Asian ones, they are far
I really want to watch this series, but I feel like I should read the books first.
It's a great series. I did wish all through season one they'd not show the sexual as much as they did, there was no need for totally nakey men. My innocent eyes! lol. <- It seems like in season two, they've not done as many of those scenes as in S1 and even the graphic violence is not as graphic and gory as in the previous season.

There were a few scenes which caught me by surprise in Season
Sleepninja wrote: I really want to watch this series, but I feel like I should read the books first.

i forgot who it was that told me this but she said the show pretty much sum up everything in the book, which is why i'm thinkin about just watching it without reading the book :o
nekoblah wrote: i forgot who it was that told me this but she said the show pretty much sum up everything in the book, which is why i'm thinkin about just watching it without reading the book :o

Oh, really? I may not read the books
LisNoir wrote: Oh, really? I may not read the books

yea i know surpising since the books are usually better
can i watch the book then read the show? =)
so watched season1 and ep1 ... alot of things going on so atm i'm just sorta confused what is what ._. first 5min scared me ;o tho the gore didnt bother me as much as all the nake scenes ><
up to the second season the book and the show is similar not that much difference but then in the second season there are some elements that do no match up... bit different from the book i haven't read the book but one of my friends did so he told me ^^ dunno if i could actually read through all that... but maybe sometime ... :P
the wolves are so cute
i cant believe they end a season like that -_-
So i found there are 5 books out and each book as big as harry potter or bigger. And according to wiki the 7th book would be the last. and reading some reviews the books are really well liked. i think i might read it.
nekoblah wrote: the wolves are so cute

Cute and deadly <

nekoblah wrote: i cant believe they end a season like that -_-

Yeah...It was a bit too much! I fear them ending S2 in the same manner and then if there's a S3, I'll have to wait a year to see what happens. A year!

I can't wait for ep.9 of S2 to air. I cannot missGeoffrey's terrified look after all that he said in ep. 8. And I'm glad the two boys are not dead. I thought he did do it!.
LisNoir wrote: Cute and deadly <

Yeah...It was a bit too much! I fear them ending S2 in the same manner and then if there's a S3, I'll have to wait a year to see what happens. A year!

deadly and protective i want one, they so big too i bet i can ride it :D <3

and yea the one thing i hate about these american /british shows they go by season =.= which is why i want to read the book. it shall ease the pain of waiting lol